As the clock ticks down until Christmas, do you have unwrapped presents hiding in your closet? Do you feel like you couldn’t possibly wrap them in time? Never fear for Kelly is here!
Armed with a colorful array of paper, bows, and ribbons, she will save you from a sad, unbedazzled Christmas.
Call or email: 512-696-1412 or email
Don’t wait! She can only work her magic until December 15th!
Kelly can’t wait to make your wrapping dreams come true!
*2018 Wrapping Choices*
Classic Deep Red Plaid and Polka Dots
Whimsical Blue Flowers & Mushroom Floral
Whimsical Blue Mushroom Forest with Animals
Whimsical White Hedge Hogs and Badgers
Animal Gift Sacks – Bunny, Hedgehog, Badger
-All wrapped gifts $3-4 (smaller than a shoe box/bigger than a shoe box)
-Gift sacks $1
Ask for 4 wrapped gifts and get the 5th one FREE!
10% given to Central Texas Food Bank
All gifts come wrapped with bows, ribbon, and label!
Kelly lives 4 minutes from Austin Waldorf School.
Contact her for details about drop off, pickup, and payment.